阀杆: Yocum Library 有用的链接
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Animal Diversity Web | University of Michigan database of animal natural history, 分布, classification, and conservation biology |
Audubon's Birds of North America at the University of Pittsburgh | University of Pittsburgh digital access to one of the most important natural history and ornithology book sets in history |
Biodiversity Heritage Library | Ten major natural history museum libraries, botanical libraries, and research institutions have joined to form the Biodiversity Heritage Library Project to digitize the published literature of biodiversity held in their respective collections |
Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) | The Smithsonian and the Marine Biological Laboratory's online encyclopedia whose goal is to have a web page for each species of organism in the world |
Freshwater and Marine Image Bank | A digital collection from the University of Washington Libraries that currently contains 21,000 photos related to worldwide ocean and limnological environments from the 18th- through early-20th centuries |
可汗学院 | Offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard for learners to study at their own pace. Topics covered include math, science, and computing |
Longevity Records | Germany's Max Planck Institute's database on the life spans of mammals, 鸟, 两栖动物, 爬行动物, 和鱼. |
Macaulay Library: Animal Sound and Video Catalog | The Macaulay Library is the world's premier scientific archive of natural history audio, video, and photographs. Although the Macaulay Library's history is rooted in 鸟, the collection includes 两栖动物, 鱼, 和哺乳动物, and the collection preserves recordings of each species' behavior and natural history |
科学.政府 | Provides access to millions of authoritative scientific research results from U.S. federal agencies |
U.S. 鱼 & Wildlife Service - Species | U.S. 政府 website provides technical information about plant and animal species, updates on legislation and policy regarding species management, and details about species conservation status |
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office | The federal agency for granting U.S. patents and registering trademarks. "The USPTO is at the cutting edge of the nation's technological progress and achievement" |